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Working with subsets of data in WarpTools

This page explains the mechanisms available for working with subsets of data in WarpTools.

Each program in WarpTools operates over potentially large sets of frame series or tilt series data. Sometimes, we want to work with subsets.

Using --input_data

Adding --input_data when calling any WarpTool allows you to run it on one or multiple frame series, overriding the list of input files specified in a .settings file.

Input data can be provided as

  • a space-separated list of files
  • a wildcard pattern
  • a .txt file with one file name per line


One Frame Series

--input_data frames/file.tif

Multiple Frame Series

--input_data frames/file1.tif frames/file2.tif

One Tilt Series

--input_data tomostar/TS_1.tomostar

Multiple Tilt Series

--input_data tomostar/TS_1.tomostar tomostar/TS_2.tomostar

Exclusion from Further Processing with WarpTools change_selection

It is possible to exclude frame series or tilt series from further processing using the change_selection WarpTool to deselect them.

Deselecting a frame series

WarpTools change_selection \
--settings warp_frameseries.settings \
--deselect \
--input_data frames/2Dvs3D_53-1_00001_-0.0_Jul31_10.36.03.tif
Running command change_selection with:
select = False
deselect = True
null = False
invert = False
settings = warp_frameseries.settings
input_data = { frames/2Dvs3D_53-1_00001_-0.0_Jul31_10.36.03.tif }
input_data_recursive = False
input_processing = null
output_processing = null

Using alternative input specified by --input_data
File search will be relative to /projects/site/gred/cryoem/burta2/cryo_tomo_test_data/EMPIAR-10491-5TS
1 files found
Parsing previous results for each item, if available...
1/1, previous metadata found for 1                                                                                                                                          
1/1 processed                                                                                                                                                               
Before change: 0 deselected, 0 selected, 1 null
After change: 1 deselected, 0 selected, 0 null

Deselecting a tilt series

WarpTools change_selection \
--settings warp_tiltseries.settings \
--deselect \
--input_data tomostar/TS_1.tomostar
Running command change_selection with:
select = False
deselect = True
null = False
invert = False
settings = warp_tiltseries.settings
input_data = { tomostar/TS_1.tomostar }
input_data_recursive = False
input_processing = null
output_processing = null

Using alternative input specified by --input_data
File search will be relative to /projects/site/gred/cryoem/burta2/cryo_tomo_test_data/EMPIAR-10491-5TS
1 files found
Parsing previous results for each item, if available...
1/1, previous metadata found for 1                                                                                                                                          
1/1 processed                                                                                                                                                               
Before change: 0 deselected, 1 selected, 0 null
After change: 1 deselected, 0 selected, 0 null

Under the hood

Under the hood, this selection mechanism modifies the UnselectManual entry in the .xml file associated with each frame series or tilt series.

Below is an example of the first two lines of a deselected tilt series xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TiltSeries DataDirectory="/projects/EMPIAR-10491-5TS/tomostar" AreAnglesInverted="True"
            PlaneNormal="-0.13401411, 0.0035971305, 0.9909729" Bfactor="-7.300099"
            Weight="1" MagnificationCorrection="1, 0, 0, 1" UnselectFilter="False"
            UnselectManual="True" CTFResolutionEstimate="4.3">